Thursday, August 15, 2002


Phoooka: Well than what the hell is your aim, because, honestly, you're probably a bit off target.
PoJo345: My aim is to have fun at your expense.
Phoooka: And furthermore, cool it with the cliches. I think I've seen you use a total of maybe three sentnces that aren't straight of of Hot topic swag.
Phoooka: This is fun to you? I'm assuming you don't get out much.
PoJo345: Hot topic swag?
Phoooka: Were you hoping for an explanation, because I think the term "Hot Topic swag" is pretty much self-explanitory.
PoJo345: You thought wrong.
PoJo345: Or maybe I think wrong.
Phoooka: Or maybe you're just totally out of the loop.
PoJo345: Yeah, maybe.
PoJo345: Let me ask you this, if I you ever say and do stupid things, despite what people may say to or about you?
Phoooka: My life is lived from one stupid thing to the other. Usually they do not involve behaving like a five year old in order to entertain myself at the expense of others.
PoJo345: 5 year old?
Phoooka: Was that part not clear?
PoJo345: I think that is definitely an exaggeration. 12 year-old, maybe. 5 year old. Nein.
PoJo345: By the way, kittens are the most lovable things in the world. You should get yourself one.
Phoooka: Then we'll chaulk that one up to exageration for the sake of your self-righteousness, and move right along.
Phoooka: Really, if you're this desperate for attention, I'd be more than happy to give it to you. I haven't got anything better to do. But honestly, stop acting like an idiot. It's lame.
PoJo345: Are you this nasty in real life?
Phoooka: Are you this desperate for human interaction?
PoJo345: Define "this desperate"?
Phoooka: As in "Holding worthless conversations with strange internet girls."
PoJo345: Not really. It's just a pastime of mine.
Phoooka: And you find this gratifying?
PoJo345: No. I find it fun.
Phoooka: Generally gratification is a subcomponent of fun, kiddo.
PoJo345: Not necessarily.
PoJo345: It's fun to skip rocks. It's not gratifying, however.
PoJo345: (to me, atleast)
PoJo345: Gratification usually involves a deeper sense of contentment.
PoJo345: Or a job well done.
Phoooka: And I can't help but wonder if you find my incesscant berating to be "fun," in quite the masochistic sense. Also, if you can label skipping rocks as fun, than I'm fairly confident I was correct in my assumption that you do not, in fact, get out very much.
PoJo345: Haha. I get out....Annually.
Phoooka: Grow up.
PoJo345: You first.

Auto response from Phoooka: A mere 10% reduction in meat consumption by Americans would free up enough land to grow 12 million tons of grain � enough to save the 20 million people who starve to death on our planet each year.


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