Tuesday, October 01, 2002


Yeah. I found it alright. Do you know what was inside? Ha, you will never
guess. NO, not in a million tries, a million years, or a million lives.
What was it? Ha. Do you really want to know? If you cut it down, then
you'll never know. Cut wha...ok. I see where this is headed. Trying to
find what is inside. Psychology will not get you inside, my friend. I know
all about your Freudian logic, and I certainly know all the tricks of your
subtle dissemination. So, move bus, get out the way, get out the way, get
out the way. You're not moving. You still what to know what is inside?
Well, I won't tell you. I mean, you could learn of glittering landscapes,
pine-fresh forests, blue-green oceans with millions of tiny fish eating lots
and lots of sea plankton that resembles small buckets of cream cheese that I
consume on a regular basis, and, first and foremost, the King of the
Wrinkles, in all his folding glory. So buckle up, sit back, and feel the
need for speed. What? That motif again. No, this is different. Ok. Hold
on tight, cause here we go - Where are we going? - Shut up you. You never
let me handle the tram - You are bad, worse than him, and certainly stuffier
than Pechorin - Alright, shut your mouth, and get out the way, bus, get out
the way - Hey, what is inside that frickin' box?. - Well, to tell you the
truth, it is full of leprechaun gold, methinks. Follow the rainbow, grasp
the railing with your left hand, and with your right plough through the
misty realm of Tome (#32) of the Frankish region. You don't get it either?
Well, just go. Go and be free, and don't let Mr. Kenney see. What, is that
you my father? Papa, please, I need more of your rupies. Ok, head down to
the Five and Dime and ask Mr. Schwartz if he would be so kind as to repay
the secret debt he owes me, accumulated during the Dark Ages when Jakob the
first was lord of this land. He will give it to you, but then you must
reply "Too Menne", and he will take back half of it and stuff it into his
shirt pocket. Thank him, and then you may do as you please. Thanks,
father. You're welcome son. I ran to the store and did what I was told,
but I was unexpectedly Pierced by Son Ba, Uer of all Europia. I thanked
him, and continued on my long journey.


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