Friday, April 05, 2002

Here's the only way to solve these problems. Kyle you suck. Mike you also suck. Kirk you suck too. In fact, the whole world sucks.

We are friends guys. Let's not bust up a relationship over a stinkin' girl. Kyle, face the facts. Jamie probably will not go out with you. She probably wont go out with Michael again either. She may hang out with what? She's got that right and Mike has that right too. You have the right to be content and happy for her, and to chase "wampa stampa". If you really liked Jamie that much anyway, why would there even be operation "wampa stampa"?

C'mon guys. Let's act like friends. Why?......................cause we are. It sickens me that friends like us could fight over such petty matters. C'mon guys, we're in IB for goodness sake. We are the CREAM of the CROP (except for Hsieh, he's the cream of something else). We should know that relationships with women aren't worth the breakup of good friendships.

Know who you are before you attack; it just might be yourself.


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