So I took a nap in the backseat of my car. When I woke up, this guy with a three handed steak whipped out his.
Better Luck Today
Sometimes you just find a place that fits right into your daily schedule. Well, to save you the time, I'll tell you right now that this site is one of those places. You'll want to return again and again and again...until you perish.
Wednesday, August 27, 2003
Tuesday, August 26, 2003
Sunday, August 24, 2003
Friday, August 22, 2003
Hsieh puts on the freshman 75 as he and Kevin Stewart let it all loose at the UF FSU Tailgate party.
phoooka: How much fun can you have when you're sober, huh? ...Not that much.
PoJo345: that is wak
A message for all my friends at UF.
And of course, a random picture.
Thursday, August 21, 2003
Tuesday, August 19, 2003
If I had my own space shuttle, I'd crash it, real soon, near the entrance to Jurassic Park. I'd climb out, grab a caffe mocha, and sip my way into the maw of a great velociraptor, provided he utilize the breath mints I've prepared.
We'll walk among the stars, stare into each other's eyes, dare to twist our tongues in an intriguing mix of cappucino expresso flair with a hint of mint chocolate chip.
Sure, we know the fashion and the directions to Ishmael's hut, but we don't follow that road. Nay, we livin' it up in the hizzouse with our homies and g fellas, grippin' the sledlike follicles of mudpuppy lore.
Please, the Kirk in all of us must be unleashed. Slide sideways to the rightside strongside where the backside side side resides. Master Chief commands it in a style unknown to ordinary human beings, but quite familiar to those named Wang or Hsieh (or Shea).
If the SS read this, they will be thoroughly content. With me.
If the time to wait responds eloquently, I own all the world. Sometimes, I just love this game. Super duper man, eliciting fun and excitement. Yum yum, take me home. Choo Choo.
Monday, August 18, 2003
Explosion are nice when the three ring circus feel myself in a deep crusade of sweet calvacade. It's nice in the inside outside rightside. Sweet like buttah, i FEEL YE.
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
Monday, August 11, 2003
When the three people on the left realized that Hsieh was trying to shove a napkin up his nose, Hsieh merely replied, "It's okay, I'm Asian."
No one questioned his actions again.
The bear costume was a perfect disguise for Hsieh's infiltration of California's universities. He became known as "Brian the Bear" with no intentional reference to the costume. I was like guys, we can call ourselves "don't call us all harsh", and they were down with it! There's no doubt who the front man is, ya know...
You can do the robot with Harsh...
While checking out the Californian scene, Hsieh decided to go for a look that would help him blend in with the locals.
Unfortunately, he just looked like an asian man with a beach-blonde hair-do. When will the link learn?
Saturday, August 09, 2003
Friday, August 08, 2003
Wednesday, August 06, 2003
Tuesday, August 05, 2003
Sunday, August 03, 2003
Saturday, August 02, 2003
UH, yeah, I think you're right, Adams. Life is so much like that, that that...what is life?
Reality and nonreality link together into one on this blog man. It's not one or the other, it's both at the same time. YOu must realize that. Fantasy and reality collide and create a rather pleasurable experience. So get used to it, get in shape, and don't eat anymore junk food.
Friday, August 01, 2003
Dang, yo. Don't talk like that. We have an image to uphold, or at least I do. This site will never die. As long as I have time and something to talk about, the people will not be disappointed. Sweet chhhaeesus!
After school starts again, I'm sure I'll have much more to talk about. So even if no one else cares, I still do! I will read my own posts if that's what needs to happen. We will survive, for this is my child.
I'm sorry for not commenting on your posts in the past Kevin, but if you post again, I promise you, we will have a lively debate if that is what you wish for. I believe we do need to return to the blogger roots, where debating and conversation was more prevalent than random pictures. Let's deal.