Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Puffy Ami Yumi Yummy


You should take a quick glance at this picture here:

Notice the circle, and the markings in the sand. A victim of fate, the author inscribed his last words in the sandy shores of South beach, hoping that one day a lad or lass such as yourself should come across it and weep for him. Weep like a child who has lost his only doll, like a man with no money and without a job, like a puppy without a chew toy.

and now

Wha now, hsieh? Shouldn't it be "what now, what now, n----?" I know you love to say that, all day long, like there is no tomorrow. When will you understand the consequenses of your assinine actions, eh? It's almost pathetic. And yet, you have obviously won, with your opponent lying there on the floor.

But then again Thursday I don't care about you, it's Friday I'm in love.

It is true, however, that Alex Le knew that, in the end, everything would be alright. And that is why

I don't know how to speak to you
I don't know how to trust you
I don't know how to live for you
I don't know how to know you

No one is home, please stop calling.

CA = Where's your tux, Matt? You're taking me to homecoming.
MS = I, uh, erm left it at home, ya know. Whoops, sorry.

Oh, I show you where it's at someday.

Sunday, October 26, 2003

The mystery began a few years ago when a turkey hunter saw a 4 foot wide, 1 foot thick boulder wedged 80 feet up in a tree

"I think the answer is fairly obvious here. A butterfly flapped its wings in Hong Kong one night, which caused just enough vertical movement in the surrounding air to form a drop of dew on a nearby rusty lock. This drop of dew continued the process of weakening the lock, which just happened to be the lock of the back door of an insane asylum. Later that weak, a mad scientist was able to break that lock and escape from the asylum. Being the mad scientist that he is, he promptly tried to build a gigantic jet engine that would push Earth off its orbit and eventually spiral into the sun. Luckliy Bames Jond, a young british secret agent, was able to foil the scientists evil plan, but not before some of the scientists genetically altered superchicken guards were unleased in downtown LA. Los Angelinos did what they normally do when confronted with genetically altered superchickens... they rioted. The president of the United States was forced to declare a local state of marshal law, using some units of the national guard to restore order. One of the national guardsmen who was called up was forced to miss the birth of his child. His wife, growing resentful of his military obligations, procedes to suicide bomb the white house. With the death of the president, the vice president is then sworn in. The vice president, being a secret brother of the mad scientist, orders DARPA to create a new breed of genetically altered superchickens, but this time they would be mixed with mosquitos to create a truly unstoppable race of superchickenmosquitos. Godzilla, being the friendly moster that he is in the later movies, interceeds in the plan of the vice president, doing battle with the superchickenmosquitoking in the heart of tokyo. Outraged japanese, unable to stand the fact that americans would disgrace up their most treasured national movie licence by forcing it to do battle with a superchickenmosquito, decide to renew world war II pretty much where it left off. Unfortunatly, the forgot that world war II left off with 2 japanese cities glassed over. So world war III started off with the americans bombing 2 more of japan's cities. Godzilla, having been stung by the superchickenmosquitoking during its final battle, becomes enraged at the american attack on japan, and goes on an out of control rampage on the ocean floor. Superchickenmosquitokinggodzilla creates a tidal wave that destroys most of the united states western seaboard, including the geomagnetic storm monitor bases in alaska. Without those geomagnetic storm monitors, the human race is completly supprised by the appearance of the next solar perfect storm, which promptly reduces mankind back to the stone age. Over the course of the next 200 million years humanity rebuilds itself, but keeps the secret of its superchickenmosquitokinggodzilla hidden from most people, so that nobody shall desire to repeat the mistakes that led to the superchickenmosquitokinggodzillatidalwave. The last of the keepers of this secret, sensing that his death was near, entombed the secret inside 3 stones, which he hid in the trees of the forrests of indiana, hoping that one day they could be rediscovered after humanity had evolved beyond its brutal ways.

Superchickenmosquitokinggodzilla will rise again..."


Whats up fellas, I'm back in the burg. In case you care:

- St pete high lost the homecoming game
- Administration ended the dance at 1130 to kick people out before midnight.
- The after parties were way too far away
- Guava stumble started at 630 and cost $12 which is too much
- Its good too be home

Saturday, October 25, 2003

Why mustr you act the way you do? huh? what up my friend?

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Everyone knows the rules. But we all break them.

One, two, three, four times a day. Each day. Each moment. We conjure up the manipulations of time and space, mixed with a raison malt, and we never thank the one who made it for us. Thanks.

And I was just looking at the carpet the other day. How often do we find the time to stare at that which we place our feet? Is it too low for us? One day a revolution will spark based on our shoddy treatment of the roads. All roads lead to Rome, so why not pet them as we do our own pets, and feed them baking soda?

So I watched the movie Battle Royale yesterday. It made me ask many questions. How could all those kids be in 9th grade? Why committ suicide when you could survive? Why not shoot anyone you see? It's every man for himself, so alliances are such bullcrap. I mean, it works the same way in Survivor. They just end up screwing you anyway, and you'll just become an aged trucker with a pulsating vein in your forehead. not good, kiddies, not good at all.

and the stupid main guy, shuyo or whatever his name was. Idiot. He had it going for him the whole time and he goes for "protection". Jees, when you got it, you better give it all day long. None of this stick shiznit. "oh i don't wanna fight". Psh, stop being a pansy and pick up the ice axe, dude. Go take a wak at your friends. they don't love you anymore. and everyone is just trying to poison you in the first place. cyanide is not good for your inside parts.

We all know this, so why are we so dumb?

Just keep smiling, Hazuko, keep smiling.

Monday, October 20, 2003

We all know the time. But please, give me more thyme.

More time to thyme the rhythm of my beating heart.

To quench the thirty bloodsuckers lung capacities for the
fifth straight time, you bloody bloodpasters.

Let me know why you do that.

Whenever. You know how we do it.

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Another mother's breaking
heart is taken over
And the violence causes silence
we must be mistaken
It's the same old theme since 1916
in your head , in your head
they're still fighting
With their tanks , and their bombs
and their bombs , and their guns
In your head , in your head
They're dying

AM Radio - Taken For a Ride

Had enough had enough had enough
Of this stuff of this stuff of this stuff
And I'm sure that you don't really mind
That you're taking me for one hell of a ride yeah Had enough had enough had enough
Of this stuff of this stuff of this stuff
And I'm sure that you don't really mind
That you're taking me for one hell of a ride yeah

Monday, October 13, 2003


That is the craziest movie ever. It might take a while to load. Be patient.

I just can't get those dancing asian guys out of my head.

Sunday, October 12, 2003

Apparently, I need a new lampost.

Friday, October 03, 2003

Just to let you guys know, I altered the posts so that the videos would not autostart. You don't have to thank me.

Really, you don't.

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

meet aliz�e - french singer/future girlfriend

Hsieh: "Which one of my twins would you Rich Americans like to eat with fry ri?"

Adams (right) wakes up Mike, his sleeping buddy, to let him know that it's time to start a new day together.

Once Stenard hits back a few cold ones, everyone knows the party has started.