Saturday, August 17, 2002

My Dream House (if I ever become an industrial engineer)

You have just entered room "Chat 36312676100820042767."
FoolprooFool has entered the room.
FoolprooFool: really?
GreeenFactory has entered the room.
PoJo345: Yes.
PoJo345: 100%.
GreeenFactory: ?
FoolprooFool: don't worry, you know nothing
PoJo345: Yes.
PoJo345: Nothing about nothing.
PoJo345: Or something about nothing.
PoJo345: Something or nothing?
PoJo345: Nothing or something?
PoJo345: Either way.
PoJo345: It's too much.
FoolprooFool: you are confusing and rambling
GreeenFactory: wah?
KiMmErS387 has entered the room.
PoJo345: What?
PoJo345: Hi.
PoJo345: How's school going?
KiMmErS387: hEY
KiMmErS387: good
PoJo345: That's great to hear.
KiMmErS387: everything alright ,with you ?
PoJo345: Yeah, everything is great, no worries, problems, or frustrations of any kind.
KiMmErS387: thats good
PoJo345: It certainly is.
PoJo345: And Vanessa, is she doing well in her college?
KiMmErS387: she is leaving tomorrow morning
PoJo345: Really?
PoJo345: Tell her Matt wishes her well.
KiMmErS387: yepp
KiMmErS387: alright , Ill tell her
PoJo345: Thanks. I'm sure she'll do fine.
KiMmErS387: yeah, she is extremely nervous
GreeenFactory: no worries, problems, or frustrations of any kind.
PoJo345: Ah well, she'll get there and find out that there was nothing to worry about at all.
KiMmErS387: yeah, hopefully
PoJo345: That's right Brian. No worries, Be Happy.
PoJo345: Yeah. Hope is a good thing. As long as it doesn't run out.
KiMmErS387: yepp
KiMmErS387: I have to go
KiMmErS387: Ill talk to you later
KiMmErS387: bye Matt
PoJo345: Alright. Nice talking to you.
PoJo345: See ya.
KiMmErS387 has left the room.
PoJo345: The breakage of the fellowship.
GreeenFactory: haha
PoJo345: The ring is lost....will it be found.
PoJo345: Only the one who truly exists can answer that question.
PoJo345: And he is not here.
PoJo345: He's over there in that corner, yeah, that guy with the tophat.
PoJo345: I don't know him very well. Do you Hsieh?
PoJo345: Or perhaps you, Mr. Fool?
GreeenFactory: wtf szabo
GreeenFactory: hahah
PoJo345: Oh and by the way, if you do not want me to post this in Blogger, speak now.
GreeenFactory: i dont know man
PoJo345: I was planning on posting this for analysis.
GreeenFactory: you and kimmer?
PoJo345: Kimmer and you.
AR 588 has entered the room.
PoJo345: David has entered the building.
GreeenFactory: i had nothing to do with kimmer
PoJo345: When will he leave? Only the tophat man can tell.
AR 588: right now
PoJo345: You had everything to do with "it".
PoJo345: Motivations, influences, even downright economic deals....everything in Kimer timeline has your signature all over it.
PoJo345: Hmm.
GreeenFactory: no
PoJo345: Someone has to break it.
PoJo345: Will it be you?
GreeenFactory: the ice
PoJo345: Or perhaps you?
PoJo345: Or even...u.
GreeenFactory: tiff will do it
AR 588: wtf are u talking bout
PoJo345: Or maybe ewe.
GreeenFactory: the world just became clearer to szabo
GreeenFactory: he had his moment of david tiffany
PoJo345: Hsieh speaks not only the truth, but the way of the Cold Warrior.
GreeenFactory: cold warrior
PoJo345: That's right.
AR 588: perhaps he-she would like to see the world through the eyes of his country men, after I get through with you they will have to rename the courtyard tienimen square
GreeenFactory: haha
GreeenFactory: i mean, wah?.. that never happened...
AR 588: yes, just like the holocaust of the killing of all the polish officers, right
PoJo345: I wonder.
GreeenFactory: holocaust?
PoJo345: Seria?
AR 588: *of = or
AR 588: two seperate examples
AR 588: so matt (howell) would you like to hear of the g4 meeting from today
RpgHeeroYuy has entered the room.
GreeenFactory: this is matt?
FoolprooFool: yes i would: i like kirk's poem on blogger
FoolprooFool: what happened?
RpgHeeroYuy: Hi.
GreeenFactory: o junk
GreeenFactory: fool is howell?
FoolprooFool: no
PoJo345: Howell is a fool.
AR 588: the fool
PoJo345: Symbolocially.
GreeenFactory: wtf
FoolprooFool: the foolproof
PoJo345: *spelling is correct.
FoolprooFool: fool
RpgHeeroYuy: who are you guyz
PoJo345: i think i made a bad choice somewhere along the line
AR 588: the better question is who are you, and do you believe in the aryan cause
FoolprooFool: HEY david, what happened?
RpgHeeroYuy: how do you know my name?
GreeenFactory: spell it right tiff
GreeenFactory: ASIAN
PoJo345: Confusion imminent.
AR 588: we can set out the criterion latter
GreeenFactory: you always get those two letters screwed up
RpgHeeroYuy: huh?
PoJo345: I wonder how much time is left.
PoJo345: None.
PoJo345: Yes.
PoJo345: I'm sure of it now.
AR 588: hey let me ask you something, how much german do you know and do you have any problem with beatings
PoJo345: Yes and no.
PoJo345: No and yes.
PoJo345: 3 and 4. 7 and 34.
PoJo345: or maybe 12.
PoJo345: definition is everything, yet everything cannot exist without definition.
PoJo345: Do you exist.
PoJo345: Do I exist.
PoJo345: I think fool knows the answer.
PoJo345: the green fact knows more green facts than perhaps he should.
PoJo345: ar is not 588, yet 588 was never meant to be with ar.
PoJo345: and this 345 fellow.
PoJo345: He jumps in. The star falls.
PoJo345: Was he a warrior or an incompetent idiot?
RpgHeeroYuy: I'd go with the idiot.
GreeenFactory: no dude, the idot levels too slow
AR 588: hey no ones an idiot here, were just different
RpgHeeroYuy: I know this kid.
RpgHeeroYuy: Just as floaty as this dude here.
GreeenFactory: fruity
PoJo345: I'm feelin' it.
GreeenFactory: yeah?
PoJo345: I don't know about you, but I'm feelin' the hunger.
PoJo345: The hunger for sleep.
PoJo345: The hunger for spanish hw.
PoJo345: and finally
PoJo345: the hunger for the hoary and the prolific.
PoJo345: h and p don't go together, yet here they do.
PoJo345: mi reloj no anda no mas, y no sabe el tiemo.
PoJo345: *tiempo.
GreeenFactory: Aiyyo it's off with his headSlap the shit out the Devil and tear his horns off his headAiyyo it's almost over, few months we all gon' know Jehovah
PoJo345: I hope so.
GreeenFactory: big pun
PoJo345: For his sake.
GreeenFactory: check the heaven/hell motif
GreeenFactory: rpgheeroyuy
PoJo345: Give me slumber, and I won't move ship.
GreeenFactory: you wouldnt happend to know chris would you?
RpgHeeroYuy: hmm?
GreeenFactory: you know chris yeah?
RpgHeeroYuy: who?
RpgHeeroYuy: Chris who?
Y2mmmmkay has entered the room.
PoJo345: ...
Y2mmmmkay: hey
Y2mmmmkay: whasup
PoJo345: not much
PoJo345: you?
GreeenFactory: dont post this
PoJo345: Oh, i will.
PoJo345: I must.
GreeenFactory: fawker
GreeenFactory: no
PoJo345: It's chock full of it.
GreeenFactory: of what?
PoJo345: ship. what blogger is made for.
Y2mmmmkay: I gotta go
Y2mmmmkay: see ys
PoJo345: bye
PoJo345: don't eat too much beef now.
PoJo345: thanks
GreeenFactory: did you copy the spanish hw?
GreeenFactory: what was the assign?
RpgHeeroYuy: 103, ABC?
GreeenFactory: wtf
GreeenFactory: some random guy?
RpgHeeroYuy: how you doin.
GreeenFactory: how he know?
RpgHeeroYuy: hahaaha
Y2mmmmkay has left the room.
GreeenFactory: how you doin?!
RpgHeeroYuy: I doin' well.
GreeenFactory: anyway big guy, wrong page numbers
GreeenFactory: that was last nights
GreeenFactory: i need tonights
RpgHeeroYuy: hmm
RpgHeeroYuy: i go to school
RpgHeeroYuy: but i don't read.
GreeenFactory: flan
GreeenFactory: you had it before?
GreeenFactory: that spanish jello stuff
PoJo345: jello is tasty
PoJo345: maybe i have three eyes and ears.
PoJo345: I must learn to dance the jig of men.
PoJo345: My name is not Mike.
FoolprooFool: 345, are you tired of the violence
GreeenFactory: o yeah
GreeenFactory: tis he
PoJo345: Violence is nonexistant.
FoolprooFool: why do you keep telling people to hit you?
GreeenFactory: haha
GreeenFactory: cause he's white
RpgHeeroYuy: Don't arouse the fears. Take them in, and hold them there until you burst, spilling organic matter all over the kitchen table, where your children are having breakfast while the mother sticks her head in the oven.
FoolprooFool: its a serious matter
PoJo345: What is serious?
GreeenFactory: did
GreeenFactory: you ever notice
PoJo345: my true name?
FoolprooFool: if you want people to respect you, you should just...(message edited for content)
FoolprooFool: oh well
GreeenFactory: microphone
RpgHeeroYuy: I suggest no censorship. We speak more clearly when all the words are heard.
PoJo345: Mikerophone?
GreeenFactory: only need how many?
RpgHeeroYuy: I bid you all adieu, my time has run out.
RpgHeeroYuy has left the room.
GreeenFactory: nah
GreeenFactory: wtf
GreeenFactory: who was that?
GreeenFactory: WHO!!!!
GreeenFactory: not flan
GreeenFactory: was it mike?
PoJo345: God?
GreeenFactory: Dog?
GreeenFactory: dangit
PoJo345: I'll have to talk to him.
GreeenFactory: "i big you all adieu"
PoJo345: like qt.
GreeenFactory: that not mike
GreeenFactory: how he know the spanish hw?
PoJo345: is 103 spanish?
FoolprooFool: that is someone who needs to be reminded of his place
GreeenFactory: that was last nights
GreeenFactory: but still
GreeenFactory: to know last nights hw
PoJo345: Marquez.
PoJo345: Coincidence is nothing.
GreeenFactory: Matute
GreeenFactory: haha
GreeenFactory: wtf
GreeenFactory: dangit
PoJo345: I'm blind and my name is Nin.
PoJo345: Give me some flowers for my socket.
PoJo345: Hmm.
GreeenFactory: howell
GreeenFactory: you know?
PoJo345: I need to get out of that mode, don't you think?
GreeenFactory: aight yall
PoJo345: Howell is a master of psychoanalysis.
GreeenFactory: need to bid this adieu
PoJo345: He will uncover the facade of our enigmatic friend.
GreeenFactory: nough ime pent n his hing
PoJo345: I don't know Taiwanese. English, yes.
PoJo345: The word is broken, hallowed be it and the rest.
PoJo345: Have fun.
PoJo345: I must now take shower and study.
PoJo345: Good night my friends.
GreeenFactory: sure
GreeenFactory: shall i send you away?
PoJo345: send me
GreeenFactory: prOn
PoJo345: no
PoJo345: don't send
PoJo345: not that way
PoJo345: night all


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